The musumen image policy has brought to my attention that we should include a Special Notices heading for odorite articles. I provided an example below. Do you know of any other subheadings to Special Notices we could add other than Image/Video Reposting? Also I think we should revise our current headings to this layout because it's neater, more professional, and shows up a lot better in the Table of Contents. I strongly belive we should add Name info in the concept bc some odorites need to mention it. It's a huge part of an odorite's concept and should not be alongside trivia. Also it gets messy keeping all this in the info boxes. This new layout follows the layout of many professional wikis. I have tried out this on the morning musumen. page, and I really like how it looks. I added some suggestions for new subheadings. Of course, if the subheading doesn't apply to an odorite (such as disbandment), then it doesn't have to be on that odorite's page. Articles should be as detailed as possible, so lumping too many things in trivia becomes messy and unorganized. (I'd also like to point out that this would greatly help me expand articles wahhhh, as I seem to be most active writing articles on here compared to other activities.)
Romajiname (Kanjiname) is a country/location based Nico Nico Douga/YouTube odorite... (write a short general description)
(Orgins of stage name, real name, etc.)
Appearance & Personality[]
(Describe hair, clothes, makeup, measurements (height, weight, etc) personality, blood type, lifestyle, concept, etc.)
Dance Style[]
(Describe dance genre, style, range)
Current Members[]
Former Members[]
Member Profiles[]
- Odorite
- Image Color:
- Birthday:
- Blood Type:
- Height:
- Weight:
- Skills:
- Hobbies:
- Likes:
- Dislikes:
- Odorite
- Image Color:
- Birthday:
- Blood Type:
- Height:
- Weight:
- Skills:
- Hobbies:
- Likes:
- Dislikes:
(first upload, unit formation, etc.)
popularity rising, subs/views, most popular upload
Iconic Performances[]
list iconic performances that deserve recognition
Awards & Recognition[]
any special awards or recognition
Disbandment (for groups) or Decline (for solo)?[]
if a group disbands or an odorite becomes inactive
Insert other relevant headings[]
such as music debut, choreography debut, etc.
Dance Units[]
- (groups, crews, teams, studios, units, etc.)
Iconic Collaborative Projects[]
(Include collaboration dance covers, choreo, shows, events, potentially may list notable dance unit activities.)
Special Notices[]
Video Reposting[]
(may note odorite's video reposting policy)
Image Reposting[]
(may note odorite's image reposting policy)