I thought having like a masterpost of odorite's YouTube channels on here would be a good idea, but I wasn't sure where we'd put it or anything, so I thought to just put it on here for now as a resource. These are just the ones that I'm subscribed to, so there'll probably be some missing, so add any else that you know. I don't really know any Youdorites either other than Ari。Ki, but I expect that TisRis will :D
Also, I've put Ririri on here because I figured it's just a link to her channel so theres no actual info or anything about her. I can take it down if anyone objects.
- Aikawa Kozue
- Akyari
- AMU, Second Channel
- Arasa5
- Ari。Ki
- Ashibuto Penta
- AiZe
- Bookie
- BoopBoopBeeDoop
- Butsudan Kamen
- *Chocolate Bomb
- Color Pointe
- Cozmosse
- Gets/Tora-san
- Ikura
- Imamegu
- Kamen Liar 217
- Keitan
- Ki hei
- K'suke
- Lilia Aya, Second Channel
- Maam
- Manako
- Miko
- Miume
- morning musumen
- Mushroom, Second Channel
- Nami
- Ogakuz
- Q'ulle
- Ririri
- Shabadaba STEP
- SLHfamily
- Suzumiya Atsuki
- Tadanon
- Tei☆in!
- Yakko
- Yuzuki
- Wata