Odorite Wiki

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RYU () is a Japanese HIPHOP Dancer and a member of Real Akiba Boyz/Real Akiba Juniorz. Also Known as The Leader of DESCARADOS[6][7], a team member of サンセットレーベンズ(Sunset Ravens)[8], and Partnering with Yuta[9] and Participating in Dance Battles as "龍と勇太 (Ryu and Yuta)[10], and as an Odorite/HIPHOP Unit with Oto as "EcRaip".[10]


Journey of Dancing[]

+At the age of 3 his Mother saw him Dancing along with the Disney Show Dancers which led him to start taking Dancing Lessons[11][12][13]
=>First went to a Dance Studio that Taught Dances for Theme Parks[13]
+Started learning Jazz Dancing, and then learned HOUSE, LOCK, Ballet, and etc. and started learning Street Dancing at the Age of 6[11] [14]

Introduced to Street Dancing[]

+At the Dance Studio(Teaching Theme Park Dances) KOTA from Valuence INFINITIES[15] was in the upper class and he went to a Dance Studio for Street Dancing, and he wanted to go to the same studio so he went there and that is where he Started his Journey with HIPHOP [13]
=>He was confident with learning HIPHOP since he was doing several different genres of dancing, but it was harder than he thought. At first, he was unable to learn the choreography for the lessons.[13]
=>He felt that he is able to dance HIPHOP (Got used to the Dance his teacher was assigning/His HIPHOP dance have started to take shape) after a year later, when he did performed at the dance recital for his class.[13]

+His mother really challenged him to compete in Dance Battles,[13]
=>his first Dance Battle he participated was when he was around 1st grade with Soulm8 (read "Soulm-eight (like soulmate"))
=>since the kids dance battles are categorized by each grade they were many kids dancers who participate as well [12]

+He went to a different Dance Studio when he was in 4th Grade because he wanted to get better at dancing
=>there he met 天然/Tennen[16] (HIPHOP Dancer) and he was moved by his Lifestyle with Dancing and thought, "This is the person I Should Follow"[13]

APOP Dance Battles[]

+The First APOP Dance Battle he watched was a video of Ami Dancing with "幼女戦記 (Yojo Senki/ The Saga of Tanya the Evil) [17]
Started APOP Dance Battles at around 2018* when he was in 4th grade. [12]
=>*The Interview video was uploaded on 08.20.2020 and he stated that he started APOP 2 years ago

+He was Participating in a Street Dance Battle and they were doing an APOP Dance Battle as a sub event and Participated with his friend who was doing street dancing[12]

+According to him, Anime Songs are just full of information to comprehend
=>Fast paced Tempo, Full of Entertaining Elements, Having Breakbeats and etc.) and gave him broaden his horizon with Dancing. [13]
=> Helped him be able to Dance at Street Dance Battles with Songs he is unfamiliar with[13]

DANCE ALIVE (1 on 1 Dance Battle Held in Japan)[]

+Started to Participate in the Regional Prelims when he was in Middle School[13]
=> Gained the Ability to Win a Dance Battle with Other Contestants. [13]
=>Learned the Joy of going to other regions by himself/with just his friends.[13]
=> Became a much more outgoing person[13]

+Middle School/Junior High (1st Year):
=>Can't Move up the Tournament (Not even close)[13]
+Middle School/Junior High (2nd Year):
=>Able to Move up the Tournaments.
=>Able to go to the Finals for the KIDS SIDE Category and able to go to Ryougoku Kokugikan
(That year's Final Round was Cancelled Due to the Corona Virus, and the Tournament got carried over to the next year.)[13]
+Middle School/Junior High (3rd Year):
Focused in Studies[13]


~2022 (Before becoming an RAB member)[]

2013.08.18 (As EcRaip):
Performed at ニコニコダンスマスターFINAL/"Niconico Dance Master FINAL" at Differ Ariake [18][19]
=>Danced with the song 恋は気まぐれイリュージョン/"Koi wa Kimagure Illusion" [20]
2014.04 (As EcRaip):
Participated in ニコニコ超会議3/Niconico Cho Kaigi
=>with the program 踊ってみた振り付け選手権~みんなで踊ろう~/Odottemita Choreography Championship ~Let's Dance Together~[21] [22]


  • September: The Members of RAB inviting Ryu in person to become a Member of the Real Akiba Boyz *Video was uploaded on Oct 11, 2022 on Youtube[13][23]
  • October 10: Announced that he became a New Member of Real Akiba Boyz[24][25][26]
  • October 10 & 11: An Odottemita Video using "Shinjidai/ song by Ado" with the 9 members (including Ryu) was uploaded on YouTube (Oct 10)[27] and NicoNico Douga (Oct 11) to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of Real Akiba Boyz[28]
  • November 12~December: Collaboration with Don Quijote (Japanese Multinational Discount Store chain) to celebrate 15th Anniversary of RAB and Ryu becoming a new member [29][30]


  • Between January/February*: Participated in an "Otaku Call (Shout Response)" on the recording for "Idol/ Song by YOASOBI"[31][32] *Video was released on April but at the STRIKE COLORZ Live Event (Oct 15th, 2023) they mentioned that the recording itself was between January and before Feb 12
  • April 16: Ryu Competing at the "MYNAVI DANCE ALIVE 2023 FINAL" at Ryougoku Kokugikan[33][34][35]
  • April 29-30: Participated in "Niconico Chokaigi 2023" that is held in Makuhari Messe[36][37]
  • May 4-5: RAB ESPICE and Ryu participating for "Net Culture Day" (May 4th), and RAB ROOTS participating for "Anime and Anime Song Day" (May 5th) for "Niku Fes (Meat Festival) 2023" at Makuhari Messe [38][39]
  • June 22: Performing in "Goodbye Nakano Sunplaza Music Festival" for "踊れる!アニソンDJイベント!アニソンディスコ~とびっきりの中のサブカル超決戦~(Let's Dance! Anime Song DJ Live Event! Anime Song Disco ~the Extraordinary Subculture Final Showdown~) " [40][41]
  • June 23: Ryu Participating in a Pokemon Card Commercial was broadcasted in 8 countries of Asia[42][43][44][45][46]
  • July 15: Ryu became the Champion of "Red Bull Dance Your Style Japan Final 2023" (at the age of 16 at the time) making him the Youngest qualifier in the History for Japan's Red Bull Dance your style, to enter the "Red Bull Dance Your Style World Final 2023" [47][48][49]
  • September 1: First Film that Ryu Directed was Uploaded: An Odottemita Video for "飛天(Hiten)/by Ayase x R-指定 (R-Shitei)" with Ryu and ROOTS [50][51]
  • October 12: Created his Own YouTube Channel " 龍【踊れるオタクの生息地】RYU【Habitat Where the Dancing OTAKU Resides】"[52][53]
  • October 21: First Ever Birthday Event Conducted
  • November 1: Competed the Pre-Finals for Red Bull Dance Your Style 2023[54] in Germany[Ryu's Post 1][55]

Dancing Unit/Teams[]

EcRaip [10][]

=> An Odorite/HIPHOP Unit with Oto, and they danced together since the age of 3 [56]
=> Debuted at the age of 6[56]


+ 龍/RYU (Leader): HIPHOP [58]
+こはく(はくカルマ)/Kohaku(HakuKarma): HIPHOP [59] [60]
+Hyuga: Breakdancing [61]
+Soma: House [62]
+勇太/Yuta: Popping [63]
+Musashi Haraguchi: HIPHOP [64]

=>Named their team as "DESCARADOS" which means "Shameless/Blatant" in Spanish and chose that name to give the team a "outrageous/rampaging" kind of impression. [65]

RYU and Yuta[]

+Dancing Unit with Ryu and Yuta
=>They were a well known APOP Competitor since they were challenging as Kids Dancers.
=>Not only APOP but they have accomplished going to the Finals for Dance@Alive for Street Dancing such as well. [10][12]
+At first, Yuta invited Ryu to Participate in a Street Dance Battle, and then started participating in APOP Dance Battles
+Champion of AKIBACCANO Vol. 22

サンセットレーベンズ(Sunset Ravens)[]

=>APOP CREW Dancing Team [10]

Nico The NATURAL[66]

REAL AKIBA BOYZ[70][71][72][]

=>Joined October 2022

涼宮あつき(Atsuki Suzumiya):Break Dance[73]
マロン(Maron):Break Dance[74]
DRAGON:Break Dance[75]
ムラトミ(Muratomi):Break Dance[76]
けいたん(Keitan):Break Dance[77]
チャカ(Chaka):Break Dance
ゾマやかじゃない!(ZomayakaJanai!):Break Dance[78]
とぅーし(Tussy):Tutting, Break Dancing, Popping[79]

+Keitan first saw Ryu in AKIBACCANO! (when Ryu was 11, or 12 years old) and thought "This Boy is Definitely has the spirit of a 'Real Akiba Boyz' " and Atsuki also Thought the Same way and discussed about including Ryu as a member of Real Akiba Boyz about 18 months before officially having Ryu as a team member.
=>Keitan Spoke During Ryu's Birthday Event 2023 (reference for live stream is unavailable)


=> Joined May 2023 (Final Round of Audition Conducted/Members were Chosen)

HARUYOSHI: Multiple Genres of Dance[83]
YOH: Freestyle Basketball[84]
Aoto: Tricking[85]
凪(NAGI):Acrobat (Tricking) [86]
MERU:Jazz-Funk Dance, Figure Skating[88][89]
るーさん(Luu-San):HIPHOP/Steps for Break Dancing[90]
セリカ(Selika):Break Dancing [91]

Awards and Recognitions[]

Dance Battles[]

  • ALL JAPAN SUPER KIDS SOLO BATTLE 2017 Kanto Region U-12: Champion[10]
  • Soulm8 SOLO DANCE BATTLE 2017 FINAL U-12: Champion[10]
  • COLOSSEUM CLOUD vol. 3: 1 on 1 Freestyle Battle : Champion[10]
  • Funky Fresh Factory 2019 Solo Battle U-12 Tournament: Champion[11][92]
  • MyNaviDANCE ALIVE HERO'S 2020 KIDS FINAL: Semifinalist (Top 4)[10]
  • MyNaviDANCE ALIVE 2023 CHARISMAX I HIPHOP Tournament: Champion[10][93]
  • MyNaviDANCE ALIVE FINAL 2023 HIPHOP Tournament: Quarterfinalist (Top 8)[10]
  • Red Bull Dance Your Style Japan 2023: Champion[10]

AKIBACCANO! (APOP 2 on 2 Dance Battle)[]

  • Vol 16 (As RYU and Yuta): TOP 16[94]
    =>Lost Against: ニンゲン浄瑠璃/Ningen Joruri (SCYTHE JAPAN, and Kazuho Monster)
  • Vol 18 (As RYU and Yuta): TOP 16[95]
    => Lost Against: ボニーアンドクライド/Bonnie and Clyde (Yunko, and Jibaku)
  • Vol 19 (As RYU and Yuta): TOP 4 (SEMIFINALIST)[96]
    =>Lost Against: ARIA COMPANY (ASHITAKA, Nico the NATURAL)
  • Vol 20 (As RYU and Yuta): FINALIST[97]
    =>Lost Against: 公共7thエネミーズ/Koukyou 7th Enemies (Kaju, M'arc)
  • Vol.22 7th Year Anniversary Special: CHAMPION (As RYU and Yuta) [10][98]
    =>WON Against Ness and SKAJUN
  • Vol 23 (As RYU and Yuta): TOP 4[99]
    =>Lost Against 腐男女/FuDanjo (Niku, UK)
  • Vol 25 (As RYU and Yuta): TOP 16[100]
    =>Lost Against 相方転生/Aikata Tensei (Ko-Key, Taworun)


  • JUMP HIGH CONTEST U-12 SOLO: Champion[10]
  • Soulm8 DANCE CONTEST Kanto Region U-12 SOLO: Champion[10]

Fun Facts[]

As a Dancer[]

Dancers that He Admire:
Street Dancing
+ATZO[101] from ULTIMATE CREW and 天然(Tennen)[16] from ASCHE[102][103]
=>When he met 天然(Tennen) in 4th Grade at the Dancing Studio he thought "This is the person I Should Follow"[13] and calls him as his Master for HIPHOP[102]
=>He performs outside the box, and he dances as he is accompanying Alongside with the Music[13]
=>His Dancing Style was greatly influenced by both of them, and Respects not only how they dance, but how they are as an individual as well. [102]

APOP Dancing
+He doesn't have a favorite Dancer, but he likes everyone in General[102]
=> They are all so kind even though we are kids (interviewed 2020) and I respect them all[102]

+His Dream as a Child is to become the Champion of a Dance Battle in Japan[103], and Made his Dream Come True by becoming the Champion of "Red Bull Dance Your Style Japan Final 2023" [47][48][49]

First Odottemita Video with Real Akiba Boyz (劣等上等/BRING IT ON)[14][]

+The RAB members thinks Ryu as a genius highschooler dancer so the theme the "Odottemita" video was "The Defeat of RAB"
=>Atsuki States that RYU is such a polite and great kid, and wanted to show the audience His talent/what He is capable of doing, so he chose this song for the video (show to see a different side of Ryu).

+Ryu was so Nervous during filming.
=>"I don't want to do it (Pull Ness's Hair, Step on Top of the RAB members with his shoes on/Because he respects them) but I had to so I did it"
+The Anime Merch that was used in the video all belongs to Ryu.

Voice Actor/Actress[]

Big Fan of Voice Actor/Actress
=>Loves DIALOGUE+ and Danced Zekkei Zekkou Super Day!! by DIALOGUE+ for his Odottemita video Premiered on His Birthday[104][105]
Comment on the Description Column :
=>"I turned 17.It has been a year since I joined RAB.
It had been my motive to "Give my heart and soul for dancing, with things that I truly am passionate about".I would be happy if you could WATCH THE ORIGINAL MUSIC VIDEO and THEN watch this "Odottemita" video
I know it has been a while ago for saying this, but the Live Event of Latitude* was Just Amazing.
(*Refering to a Live Event from DIALOGUE+ "Superday Latitude")
I have put my love and passion into this "Odottemita" video." [104]

+A Fan Club Member of Inori Minase (いのりまち町民/Inorimachi Chomin)
=>his Membership Number is 17286[14]
+His 2D Oshi is Rem (from Re:Zero)
and his 3D Oshi is Inari Minase and DIALOGUE+[103]
+In his mind, the Big 4 ( his favorite) for Voice Actress is:
=>Inori Minase, Kito Akari, Maaya Uchida, and Azumi Waki. [102]
+States that He does not want to stop dancing, but if he is known to every single Voice Actor/Actress in the World he may reconsider (joke) [102]

As a member of Real Akiba Boyz[]

+Favorite Team Member in RAB is Ness [103]
+States that the Impressive thing about Real Akiba Boyz is that the members that dances are not just ordinary Otaku Dancers, but they are Extremely Skilled Dancers who have became Champions in Japan such as Dance Battles for Anime Songs, Full Body Tutting, Break Dancing (Also a World Champion for Break Dancing)[13]
Memorable Events :
1. When he Performed in the Guest Show for Niconico Cho Party in Saitama Super Arena
=> Knew the Event (performed when he was a kid) and felt the significance of this show when he came back to Perform as a member of RAB[13]
2. When he participated at the YouTube Fanfest in Singapore
=>A memorable moment because he was able to perform in front of many audiences around the world[13]


+The Prize was 2 Re:Zero Dakimakura Pillows:
=>One that is Emilia, and One that is Rem/Ram
=>Yuta Was not fond of Re:Zero (does not like Gore/Bloody scenes) so Yuta got a bigger cut of the prize money and Ryu got both Dakimakuras when they won the battle.[12]
+Ryu mentioned that he Won the Tournament because he watched "Hi Score Girl" the Night before the Tournament
=>got Fired Up and Became so Dedicated to Win[12]

Other Fun Facts[]

+The First Anime he watched was るろうに剣心(Rurouni Kenshin) on Amazon Prime[12] and his First film that he directed was "飛天(Hiten)/by Ayase x R-指定 (R-Shitei)", the opening song for Rurouni Kenshin. [50][51]
+He was into Anime but the Songs that are Chosen for the APOP Dance Battles are very Unique/Out of the Ordinary, so the more APOP Dance Battles he participates, the more Otaku he became[13]
+His Motto is "やるときはやる/ When I do it, I DO IT"[103]
+He doesn't know what Blood Type he is [103]
+His Least Favorite Subject in School is Japanese[103] (He hates 古文/Ancient Literature)[23]
+Favorite Food is Miso Katsu(Breaded Pork Cutlet with Hatcho Miso Sauce) and Melon Pan (bread)[10][103]
+He Doesn't have any Food that he Dislikes. [103]
He Has So many Favorite Animes (can't say all):
=>Steins; Gate, A Place Further than the Universe, Hi Score Girl, Assassination Classroom, Re: Zero, Blend S [12] [103]
+Favorite Animal: Dog, Cat, and River Otter[103]
+Favorite YouTuber: おろちんゆー(Orochinyu)[103]
+Favorite Song: Harmony Ribbon/by Inori Minase[103]
+Favorite Anime Song: ぼなぺてぃーと♡S (Bon Appetite♡S) by Blend A, Snow Halation by μ's, and the Songs from the Anime: Stein's; Gate. [12]
+When he wants to relieve/get rid of his stress he dances[103]
+Favorite Clothes are from GU (Japanese Fashion Retail Store)[103]
+If he can choose to go in the Past or the Future he will choose to go to the Future because he have no regrets in his life
=>but just want to go to "tomorrow"/ doesn't want to go to far in the future because it can be harsh[103]
+He spends his day off by:
=>Watching Anime and Listening to the Radio Streams of Voice Actor/Actresses
=>While he is doing that he notices that the day is already over.[103]

Real Akiba Boyz Odottemita Videos (YouTube)[]

Notice: Sorted with oldest uploaded first. If you see something missing that needs to be here, please add it. If you find a deadlink, please edit or give further notice.
  1. "BRING IT ON" Nv(2022.04.15)
  2. "Techno Break" Nv (2022.06.03)
  3. "Shinjidai" Nv (2022.10.11)
  4. "Hare Hare Yukai Nv (2022.10.15)
  5. "AIUE" Nv (2022.11.11)
  6. "Umapyoi Densetsu in Singapore" Nv (2022.11.18)
  7. "Wake up Decker! feat. Yu Hayashi (2022.11.27)
  8. "JUST DANCE!" feat. Travis Japan (2022.11.30)
  9. "Ojamajo Carnival in Singapore" (2022.12.16)
  10. "Crazy Beat" feat. Chego (2022.12.24)
  11. "Gurenge" Nv (2022.12.31)
  12. "Gun's & Roses" Nv (2023.01.02)
  13. "Shukufuku" (2023.01.06)
  14. "Chu, Tayousei." Nv feat. Yamakai TV (2023.01.26)
  15. "Mezase Pokemon Master -with my friends" Nv (2023.02.03)
  16. "Jamboree Mickey! Let's Dance!" Nv (2023.02.10)
  17. "Utakata Lullaby" Nv (2023.02.17)
  18. "Kitsune Dance" Nv (2023.03.10)
  19. "Otona Blue" Nv (2023.04.07)
  20. "Idol" Nv (2023.05.03)
  21. "Sign wa B" Nv (2023.06.21)
  22. "Mephisto" (2023.06.28)
  23. "NEW ERA" Nv (2023.06.30)
  24. "Green Peppers Gymnastics" Nv (2023.08.11)
  25. "SURVIVE" Nv (2023.08.20)
  26. "Hiten" Nv (2023.09.01)
  27. "Zekkai Zekkou Super Day!!" Nv (2023.10.12)
  28. "Requiem" Nv (2023.11.05)
  29. "JUST DANCE"Nv (2024.01.03)
  30. "BRING IT ON Live Stage ver." Nv (2024.02.02)
  31. "Over the Future" Nv (2024.02.07)
  32. "Dream Lantern" Nv (2024.03.17)
  33. "Hikari no Ato" Nv (2024.04.12)
  34. "Semeitai" Nv (2024.04.19)
  35. "Idol in Niconico Chokaigi 2024 Nv (2024.04.28)
  36. "Rabbit Hole"Nv (2024.06.09)
  37. "FRIED☆PRIDE" Nv (2024.08.03)
  38. "Hai Yorokonde" Nv (2024.08.16)
  39. "Fatal" Nv (2024.09.06)
  40. "REALIZE" Nv (2024.09.29)
  41. "SURVIVE in Zepp Shinjuku" Nv (2024.09.30)
  42. "Represent Akihabara feat. Sasuke Haraguchi" Nv (2024.10.03)
  43. "Techno Break in Nippon Budokan" Nv (2024.10.05)
  44. "Seventeen" Nv (2024.10.11)
  45. "Yubikiri no Uta" Nv (2024.10.13)
  46. "Hare Hare Yukai in Nippon Budokan" Nv (2024.10.14)
  47. "Idol in Nippon Budokan" Nv (2024.11.14)
  48. "Watashi no Ichiban Kawaiitokoro" (2024.12.31)

Real Akiba Juniorz Channel Odottemita Videos (YouTube)[]

Notice: Sorted with oldest uploaded first. If you see something missing that needs to be here, please add it. If you find a deadlink, please edit or give further notice.
  1. I am invincible (2023.08.03)
  2. D.I.Y (2023.08.19)
  3. Sanbunteki LIFE (2023.09.03)
  4. Show (2023.10.08)
  5. Akiba Maid War (2023.10.17)
  6. Inferno (2023.11.11)
  7. 花 -a last flower- (2024.04.01)
  8. Be a Flower (2024.04.13)
  9. BIBBIDIBA (2024.05.19)
  10. Noushou Sakuretsu Girl (2024.06.02)
  11. Sesame (2024.06.15)
  12. Gift (2024.07.14)
  13. StaRt (2024.07.27)
  14. Gift (Freestyle) (2024.07.31)
  15. Ao to Natsu (2024.11.24)

EcRaip Videos (YouTube)[]

Notice: Sorted with oldest uploaded first. If you see something missing that needs to be here, please add it. If you find a deadlink, please edit or give further notice.
  1. 〔EcRaip〕えれくとりっく・えんじぇぅ踊ってみた〔龍★音〕2013.05.07
  2. 【EcRaip】DreamCreator踊ってみた【龍★音】2013.05.30
  3. 【EcRaip】Smile again踊ってみた【龍★音】2013.06.21
  4. 【EcRaip】恋は気まぐれイリュージョン!!踊ってみた【龍★音】2013.09.08
  5. 【EcRaip】スキキライ踊ってみた【どうぶつえん☆】 2014.05.05
  6. 【EcRaip】ようかい体操第一踊ってみた【キュウビLOVE】 2014.09.06
  7. 【ピント…】しゃばでぃーば踊ってみた【EcRaip】 2014.09.06
  8. EcRaip 野外イベント 2014.09.09
  9. 【EcRaip】Spring Shower踊ってみた【2014夏】2014.10.20
  10. EcRaip 2017年1月 2018.09.08
  11. EcRaip 2017年8月 2018.09.09
  12. EcRaip 2017年11月 2018.09.09
  13. EcRaip 2018年8月 2018.09.09
  14. EcRaip 2018年3月 2018.02.20
  15. EcRaip 2018年12月 2019.02.20
  16. EcRaip 2019年5月 2019.11.05


  1. https://www.meteora-st.jp/ryu
  2. https://www.youtube.com/@realakibaboyz
  3. https://www.youtube.com/@REALAKIBAJUNIORZ
  4. https://www.instagram.com/descarados_desu/
  5. http://abstreem.co.jp/RAB/archives/888
  6. https://www.instagram.com/descarados_desu/
  7. https://youtu.be/8fB5jZGXS3s?si=aLIJoCui2Kd29tfl&t=26
  8. https://twitter.com/RAB_RYU/status/1716032280114909517
  9. https://twitter.com/yuta_pop_0312?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor
  10. 10.00 10.01 10.02 10.03 10.04 10.05 10.06 10.07 10.08 10.09 10.10 10.11 10.12 10.13 10.14 10.15 10.16 10.17 https://www.meteora-st.jp/ryu
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%AA%E3%82%A2%E3%83%AB%E3%82%A2%E3%82%AD%E3%83%90%E3%83%9C%E3%83%BC%E3%82%A4%E3%82%BA
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMX3s37LU_o
  13. 13.00 13.01 13.02 13.03 13.04 13.05 13.06 13.07 13.08 13.09 13.10 13.11 13.12 13.13 13.14 13.15 13.16 13.17 13.18 13.19 13.20 13.21 13.22 https://dancenow.site/ryu/3074/
  14. 14.0 14.1 14.2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29XTDHKZAaw&list=PLHbZ77ASx08nd5rNvg9DZD__xRLZ8MpIr&index=2
  15. https://twitter.com/kota_atok_?lang=en
  16. 16.0 16.1 https://twitter.com/tennenizer
  17. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1ptAHCWg-Q&t=95s
  18. https://news.mynavi.jp/article/20130823-danmas/
  19. https://news.mynavi.jp/photo/article/20130823-danmas/images/009l.jpg
  20. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm21630074
  21. https://dic.nicovideo.jp/a/%E3%83%8B%E3%82%B3%E3%83%8B%E3%82%B3%E8%B6%85%E4%BC%9A%E8%AD%B03
  22. https://blog.nicovideo.jp/niconews/ni045274.html
  23. 23.0 23.1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkBqRA-si4g&t=528s
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  26. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qLhUCEkDZj0
  27. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vUr8twVyMgE
  28. Ryu introduction video
  29. http://abstreem.co.jp/RAB/archives/2221
  30. https://twitter.com/RAB_CREW/status/1590252858657701888
  31. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lz7A2TsC4uY
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  37. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jz52LC26ORc
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  39. https://twitter.com/RAB_CREW/status/1642117348047069186
  40. https://sayonaranakanosunplaza.com/artists/details/20230622.html
  41. http://abstreem.co.jp/RAB/archives/2537
  42. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=II_Qad2p8Y8
  43. http://abstreem.co.jp/RAB/archives/2683
  44. https://twitter.com/RAB_RYU/status/1681618727480229888
  45. https://twitter.com/RAB_CREW/status/1681609958943780866
  46. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oaGxgkeFWJw
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  50. 50.0 50.1 https://twitter.com/RABinformation/status/1697537927188824218
  51. 51.0 51.1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-zjpY_muTs
  52. https://twitter.com/RAB_RYU/status/1712777402227781869
  53. https://twitter.com/RABinformation/status/1712465335688073631
  54. https://twitter.com/RAB_RYU/status/1720051497352745173
  55. ENG SUB of Ryu's Post
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  58. https://www.instagram.com/rab_ryu/?hl=ja
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  61. https://www.instagram.com/bboyhyuga/
  62. https://www.instagram.com/soma.0605/
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  71. https://twitter.com/RABinformation
  72. https://www.youtube.com/@realakibaboyz
  73. https://twitter.com/atsuki_suzumiya
  74. https://twitter.com/rabkuri
  75. https://twitter.com/drag_on_dragon
  76. https://twitter.com/lala969688
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  79. https://twitter.com/RAB_TUSSY
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  82. https://www.youtube.com/@REALAKIBAJUNIORZ
  83. https://twitter.com/RAJ_Haruyoshi
  84. https://twitter.com/RAJ__YOH
  85. https://twitter.com/RAJ_Aoto
  86. https://twitter.com/RAJ__NAGI
  87. https://twitter.com/RAJ__RIKA
  88. https://twitter.com/RAJ__MERU
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  103. 103.00 103.01 103.02 103.03 103.04 103.05 103.06 103.07 103.08 103.09 103.10 103.11 103.12 103.13 103.14 103.15 103.16 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hHsLiy4aCeM&t=39s
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