Before creating a page, check to see if the odorite, dance, or event meets the Wiki Page Requirements.
Default Solo Dancer Layout
{{Infobox dancer |image = |gender = Male/Female |description = |officialjapname = |officialromajiname = |aka = |birthday = |month = |&year = |ref = |status = Active/Inactive/Unknown |year = 20XX-20XX/present |NNDuserpageID = |mylistID1 = |mylist1info = |mylistID2 = |mylist2info = |mylistID3 = |mylist3info = |mylistID4 = |mylist4info = |nicommuID1 = |nicommu1info = |nicommuID2 = |nicommu2info = |nicommuID3 = |nicommu3info = |YTusername = |partner = }} '''Romajiname''' ('''Kanjiname''') is a country/location based [[Nico Nico Douga]]/[[YouTube]] [[odorite]]... (write a short general description) ==Concept== ==='''Name'''=== (Orgins of stage name, real name, etc.) ==='''Appearance & Personality'''=== (Describe hair, clothes, makeup, measurements (height, weight, etc) personality, blood type, lifestyle, concept, etc.) ==='''Dance Style'''=== (Describe dance genre, style, range) ==History== =='''Pre-Debut'''=== notable activities before their debut ==='''Orgin'''=== (first upload, beginnings, etc.) ==='''Popularity'''=== popularity rising, subs/views, most popular upload ==='''Iconic Performances'''=== list iconic performances that deserve recognition ==='''Awards & Recognition'''=== any special awards or recognition ==='''Decline'''=== if an odorite becomes inactive ==='''Insert other relevant headings'''=== such as music debut, choreography debut, etc. ==Collaborations== ==='''Dance Units'''=== #(groups, crews, teams, studios, units, etc.) ==='''Iconic Collaborative Projects'''=== (Include collaboration dance covers, choreo, shows, events, potentially may list notable dance unit activities.) ==Special Notices== ==='''Video Reposting'''=== (may note odorite's video reposting policy) ==='''Image Reposting'''=== (may note odorite's image reposting policy) ==='''Other relevant headings'''=== any other important notices ==List of Dances== {{Playlist|content = # }} ==Sample Video== {{YT|song = "Songname"|choreographer = [[Odoritename]] |youtube = }} ==Gallery== <gallery position="center"> </gallery> ==Trivia== * ==External Links== ==='''Official'''=== * ==='''Unofficial'''=== * ==='''Other relevant headings'''=== * {{ref}}
Default Dance Group Layout
{{Infobox dancer |image = |gender = Male/Female |description = |officialjapname = |officialromajiname = |aka = |status = Active/Inactive/Unknown |year = 20XX-20XX/present |NNDuserpageID = |mylistID1 = |mylist1info = |mylistID2 = |mylist2info = |mylistID3 = |mylist3info = |mylistID4 = |mylist4info = |nicommuID1 = |nicommu1info = |nicommuID2 = |nicommu2info = |nicommuID3 = |nicommu3info = |YTusername = |partner = }} '''Romajiname''' ('''Kanjiname''') is a country/location based [[Nico Nico Douga]]/[[YouTube]] [[odorite]] unit/group/crew/team/studio/etc.... (write a short general description) ==Concept== ==='''Name'''=== (Orgins of stage name, real name, etc.) ==='''Appearance & Personality'''=== (Describe group's appearance & personality followed by a short paragraph for what each member brings to the unit) ==='''Dance Style'''=== (Describe dance genre, style, range) ==Members== ==='''Current Members'''=== #[[Odorite]] #[[Odorite]] ==='''Former Members'''=== #[[Odorite]] ==='''Other relevant headings'''=== (such as 1st gen, 2nd gen, etc.) <div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="Center"> ==='''Member Profiles'''=== <div class="mw-collapsible-content"> *[[Odorite]] ** Image Color: ** Birthday: ** Blood Type: ** Height: ** Weight: ** Skills: ** Hobbies: ** Likes: ** Dislikes: *[[Odorite]] ** Image Color: ** Birthday: ** Blood Type: ** Height: ** Weight: ** Skills: ** Hobbies: ** Likes: ** Dislikes: </div> ==History== =='''Pre-Debut'''=== notable activities before their debut ==='''Orgin'''=== (first upload, unit formation, etc.) ==='''Popularity'''=== popularity rising, subs/views, most popular upload ==='''Iconic Performances'''=== list iconic performances that deserve recognition ==='''Awards & Recognition'''=== any special awards or recognition ==='''Disbandment'''=== if a group disbands or an odorite becomes inactive ==='''Insert other relevant headings'''=== such as music debut, choreography debut, etc. ==Collaborations== ==='''Dance Units'''=== #(groups, crews, teams, studios, units, etc.) ==='''Iconic Collaborative Projects'''=== (Include collaboration dance covers, choreo, shows, events, potentially may list notable dance unit activities.) ==Special Notices== ==='''Video Reposting'''=== (may note odorite's video reposting policy) ==='''Image Reposting'''=== (may note odorite's image reposting policy) ==='''Other relevant headings'''=== any other important notices ==List of Dances== {{Playlist|content = # }} ==Sample Video== {{YT|song = "Songname"|choreographer = [[Odoritename]] |time = |dancerlist = |youtube = }} ==Gallery== <gallery position="center"> </gallery> ==Trivia== * ==External Links== ==='''Official'''=== * ==='''Unofficial'''=== * ==='''Other relevant headings'''=== * {{ref}}
Default Choreography Layout
{{Choreographers |choreographer = |choreographer2 = |choreographer3 = }} {{Song |image = |songtitle = |producer = Music & Lyrics: |choreographer = |nnd = |yt = }} ==Solo Covers== {{Dance covers |yt_id1 = |nnd_id1 = |dancer1 = |yt_id2 = |nnd_id2 = |dancer2 = |yt_id3 = |nnd_id3 = |dancer3 = |yt_id4 = |nnd_id4 = |dancer4 = |yt_id5 = |nnd_id5 = |dancer5 = |alt_id1 = |url_id1 = |box_id1 = }} {{Dance covers |yt_id1 = |nnd_id1 = |dancer1 = |yt_id2 = |nnd_id2 = |dancer2 = |yt_id3 = |nnd_id3 = |dancer3 = |yt_id4 = |nnd_id4 = |dancer4 = |yt_id5 = |nnd_id5 = |dancer5 = |alt_id1 = |url_id1 = |box_id1 = }} == Duo Covers == {{Dance covers |yt_id1 = |nnd_id1 = |dancer1 = |yt_id2 = |nnd_id2 = |dancer2 = |yt_id3 = |nnd_id3 = |dancer3 = |yt_id4 = |nnd_id4 = |dancer4 = |yt_id5 = |nnd_id5 = |dancer5 = }} {{Dance covers |yt_id1 = |nnd_id1 = |dancer1 = |yt_id2 = |nnd_id2 = |dancer2 = |yt_id3 = |nnd_id3 = |dancer3 = |yt_id4 = |nnd_id4 = |dancer4 = |yt_id5 = |nnd_id5 = |dancer5 = }} == Group Covers == {{Dance covers |yt_id1 = |nnd_id1 = |dancer1 = |yt_id2 = |nnd_id2 = |dancer2 = |yt_id3 = |nnd_id3 = |dancer3 = |yt_id4 = |nnd_id4 = |dancer4 = |yt_id5 = |nnd_id5 = |dancer5 = }} {{Dance covers |yt_id1 = |nnd_id1 = |dancer1 = |yt_id2 = |nnd_id2 = |dancer2 = |yt_id3 = |nnd_id3 = |dancer3 = |yt_id4 = |nnd_id4 = |dancer4 = |yt_id5 = |nnd_id5 = |dancer5 = }}
Default Competition Event Layout
{{Infobox dance event |status = Active/Inactive/Unknown |years = 20xx-20xx/present |country = |host = }} '''Romajiname''' ('''Kanjiname''') is a country/location based event... (write a short general description) ==='''Concept'''=== (General atmosphere and mission) ==='''History'''=== (Write an account of the event's activities, which may include first launch, popularity rising, etc.) ==Date & Location== # YYYY.MM.DD Location ==Affiliated Dancers== <tabber> YYYY = '''MC''' # '''Judges''' # '''Finalists''' # '''(1st place)''' # |-| YYYY = '''Judges''' # '''Finalists''' # '''(1st place)''' # </tabber> ==List of Winning Performances== {{Playlist|content = # "Song Title" feat. [[Odorite]] -1st place- (YYYY) }} ==Gallery== <gallery position="center"> </gallery> ==Trivia== * ==External Links== * {{ref}}
Default Performance Event Layout
{{Infobox dance event |status = Active/Inactive/Unknown |years = 20xx-20xx/present |country = |host = }} '''Romajiname''' ('''Kanjiname''') is a country/location based event... (write a short general description) ==='''Concept'''=== (General atmosphere and mission) ==='''History'''=== (Write an account of the event's activities, which may include first launch, popularity rising, etc.) ==Date & Location== # YYYY.MM.DD Location ==Affiliated Dancers== <tabber> YYYY = '''Performers''' # |-| YYYY = '''Performers''' # </tabber> ==List of Iconic Performances== {{Playlist|content = # "Song Title" feat. [[Odorite]] (YYYY) }} ==Gallery== <gallery position="center"> </gallery> ==Trivia== * ==External Links== * {{ref}}