This page has been moved from User_blog:TisRis/Odorite_Wiki_NicoNico_Douga_and_YouTube_Requirements for future editing.
These are the updated requirements for odorite, famous odottemita dances, and events. Each is separated into subcategories with specific requirements. Please read the requirements and copy the established page layouts before creating a page.
These are the requirements in order to have a page included on the odorite wiki, NOT to be considered an odorite. Please be aware that if you are creating your own page, you will need to cite public sources for any information added to the wiki. 'This is in the interest of protecting dancers from false information. 'As edits to the wiki are anonymous, the admins cannot verify the difference between a fake account posing as a dancer inputting false information and the real dancer crediting "themself" as the author of their own credible article.
Solo Dancers[]
A solo dancer is a dancer who has posted a dance cover video of vocaloid, Japanese pop, or anime music on Nico Nico Douga or YouTube. Kpop dance covers do not qualify.
PLEASE NOTE: In this text, "dance cover" means a serious dancer cover of Jpop/Vocaloid music and not a Kpop cover, performance clip, casual cover, vlog, tutorial, etc.
- A mimumum of 3 dance covers either solo or group
- A minimum of 10,000 views on at least 3 solo dance covers
- They must regularly credit the original choreographers of any dances they cover
- In compliance with COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act), odorites below the age of 13 (such as Ririri) will not be allowed. However, if they reach the age of compliance, an exception could be made. Please refer to this article for more information.
- Unfortunately, MARiA is a singer and not an odorite (as she does not cover dances nor choreograph - she only does dances to her own original music) and does not qualify for a page on the odorite wiki, but you can read about her on her page on the utaite wiki
- All pages that fail the new requirements will be allowed to stay without being frozen since they were created before the old requirements were changed, but will have a "Does not meet new requirements" label at the top until they reach all requirements. The pages that never reached the requirements should be deleted and can be re-created once they meet the updated requirements.
A group is a unit of 2 or more dances who have posted a dance cover video of vocaloid, Japanese pop, or anime music on Nico Nico Douga or YouTube. Kpop dance covers do not qualify.
PLEASE NOTE: In this text, "dance cover" means a serious dancer cover of Jpop/Vocaloid music and not a Kpop cover, performance clip, casual cover, vlog, tutorial, etc.
- A mimumum of 1 dance covers as a group
- A minimum of 10,000 views on their most popular group dance cover
- They must regularly credit the original choreographers of any dances they cover
- In compliance with COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act), odorites below the age of 13 will not be allowed. However, if they reach the age of compliance, an exception could be made. Please refer to this article for more information.
- All pages that fail the new requirements will be allowed to stay without being frozen since they were created before the old requirements were raised, but will have a "Does not meet new requirements" label at the top until they reach all requirements. The pages that never reached the requirements should be deleted and can be re-created once they meet the updated requirements.
Famous Odottemita Dances[]
Popular dances choreographed by an odorite to vocaloid, anime, or Jpop music which are commonly covered by various other odorite.
- A dance must have a minimum of 10 covers (in general, regardless of view count) in order for a page creation
- A dance cover must have a minimum of 950 - 1,000 views in order to be included on a dance page
Odottemita related events from all around the world.
Competition Events[]
A performance featuring dancers competing with odottemita dance covers.
- Must feature a minimum of 4 various finalists total
- Of the 8 finalists featured, a minimum of 5 odorite must have a page included on the wiki
- Must be hosted by a third party for a Japanese themed event, not a self-run dance battle
Performance Events[]
A dance showcase featuring various odorite performers.
- Must feature a minimum of 10 various odorite total
- Of the 10 odorite featured, a minimum of 5 odorite must have a page included on the wiki
- Must be hosted by a third party for a Japanese themed event, not a self-run concert