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Kotarou's dance list is up-to-date and complete. Most recent upload: June 2, 2017.
This article was last edited by EllieS2525 8 months ago. (Purge) If you feel the list needs an update, please help by doing so.

Kotarou 2020
Japanese 小太郎 (Kotaro)
Also known as Kotarou
Gender Female
Odottemita Status Inactive
Odottemita Years Active 2011-2017
NND related sites NND user page

Kotaro (小太郎) is an odorite who has been a part of very popular collaborations, such as Nyantaro Project's Rotten Heresy and Chocolate and Ushi Dorobou.

Collaboration Units[]

  1. Ex-member of Nyantaro Project
  2. Member of Ushi Dorobou

List of Dances[]

Notice: Sorted with oldest uploaded first. If you see something missing that needs to be here, please add it. If you find a deadlink, please edit or give further notice.
  1. "Rotten Heresy and Chocolate" Nv feat. Nyantaro Project (2011.06.26)
  2. "Rotten Heresy and Chocolate (Sped up ver.)" Nv feat. Nyantaro Project (2011.09.05)
  3. "Bangyaru Syndrome" Nv feat. @Chi-chan (2011.11.05)
  4. "Ama no Jaku" Nv (2011.11.08) (Original choreography)
  5. "Gu- Gu-" Nv feat. Pan2 and Reichel (2011.11.27)
  6. "Seriously○○○" Nv (2011.12.08)
  7. "Sayoko" Nv (2012.01.23) (Original choreography)
  8. "BREEZE" Nv feat. Resena and Ronron (2012.05.22)
  9. "Yubikiri" Nv (2012.08.14) (Original choreography)
  10. "Girl Attempt" Nv feat. Niini (2012.12.03)
  11. "Romeo and Cinderella" Nv feat. Asupara (2012.12.06)
  12. "rain stops, good-bye" Nv feat. Niini (2012.12.22)
  13. "Mr. Wonderboy" Nv feat. Ringosu and Wotano Musume (2013.01.13)
  14. "Ifuudoudou" Nv feat. Ushi Dorobou (2013.02.18) (Original choreography)
  15. "Chocolate" Nv (2013.04.09) (Original choreography)
  16. "Snow Trick" Nv feat. Resena and Ronron (2013.04.19)
  17. "Keisei - Hanamachi jun Makoto e -" Nv (2013.05.26) (Original choreography)
  18. "WINE BERRY" Nv feat. Ushi Dorobou (2013.06.09) (Original choreography)
  19. "Gigantic O.T.N" Nv feat. Ushi Dorobou (2013.07.29) (Original choreography)
  20. "Nonsense Speaker" Nv (2013.10.04) (Original choreography)
  21. "Yoshiwara Lament" Nv feat. Pan2 and Reichel (2013.11.24)
  22. "Cellphone Paranoia Girl (LOL)" Nv feat. Ushi Dorobou (2014.04.03) (Original choreography)
  23. "Hitorinbo Envy" Nv (2014.09.17) (Original choreography)
  24. "3331" Nv (2014.10.24) (Original choreography)
  25. "BURNING" Nv feat. Ushi Dorobou (2015.08.16) (Original choreography)
  26. "Buriki no Dance" Nv feat. Pan2 (2017.06.02)

Sample Video[]

Dance by Kotarou
Choreography by Kotarou



External links[]

