Odorite Wiki
Higai This article may only include information about Karen's odottemita activities.

For any idol activities, please visit Karen's corresponding page outside the Odorite Wiki.

Karen's dance list is up-to-date and complete. Most recent upload: May 15, 2022.
This article was last edited by EllieS2525 9 months ago. (Purge) If you feel the list needs an update, please help by doing so.

Japanese 岩田華怜 (Iwata Karen)
Also known as Karen.
Gender Female

(1998-05-13) May 13, 1998 (age 26)[1]

Odottemita Status Inactive
Odottemita Years Active 2014-2022
NND related sites NND user page
mylist/49580887 (Solo dance covers)
YT channel


Collab partner(s) Morikawa Ayaka, Otogi

Karen (岩田華怜, Iwata Karen) started uploading dance covers on Nico Nico in April 2015, with her first dance cover "Scissorhands" Nv. Prior to that, in 2014 she had participated in a couple of odottemita covers with fellow AKB48 members, Ishida Haruka and Iwasa Misaki.

Her most popular solo cover is "Kinyoubi no Ohayou" Nv in which she played 2 roles, in both girl and boy images. This video reached over 100k views.

For information on Karen as an actress and former AKB48 member, please visit her article here.


Dance Units[]

  1. Member of Boku wa Mada,
  2. Member of Samemochi

Collaborative Projects[]

In 2015 Karen formed the duo Samemochi with Morikawa Ayaka. Their first two covers, "Koi wa Kimagure Illusion!!" Nv and "Yi Er Fanclub" Nv, were very successful gaining over 200,000 views each.

She often dances with Otogi as part of Boku wa Mada,. They usually create original choreographies together such as in "Villain" Nv.

List of Dances[]

Notice: Sorted with oldest uploaded first. If you see something missing that needs to be here, please add it. If you find a deadlink, please edit or give further notice.
  1. "Girls" Nv feat. Ishida Haruka and Iwasa Misaki (2014.07.30)
  2. "Melody Line" Nv feat. Ishida Haruka and Iwasa Misaki (2014.10.12)
  3. "Scissorhands" Nv (2015.04.12)
  4. "Kinyoubi no Ohayou" Nv (2015.05.13)
  5. "Koi wa Kimagure Illusion!!" Nv feat. Samemochi (2015.05.30)
  6. "Yi Er Fanclub" Nv feat. Samemochi (2015.06.28)
  7. "Higai Mousou Keitai Joshi (Wara)" Nv (2015.07.20)
  8. "Hibikase" Nv (2015.10.06)
  9. "Happy Halloween" Nv (2015.10.31)
  10. "Ookami wa Akazukin ni Koi o Shita" Nv feat. Samemochi (2015.11.20)
  11. "Madamamagoto" Nv feat. Samemochi (2016.04.14)
  12. "Alien Alien" Nv (2016.04.25) (Original Choreography)
  13. "Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy" Nv feat. Samemochi (2016.05.02) (Original Choreography)
  14. "Ai no Scenario" Nv (2016.05.13) (Original Choreography)
  15. "Shiroi Yuki no Princess wa" Nv feat. Samemochi (2016.07.31)
  16. "Idola no Circus" Nv feat. Samemochi (2017.01.12)
  17. "Noise" Nv (2017.07.15) (Original Choreography)
  18. "Datsugoku" Nv feat. Otogi (2017.11.03) (Original Choreography)
  19. "Byoushin Zenkai Girl" Nv feat. Chika, Fumiroku, and HEAT (2017.12.17) (Original Choreography)
  20. "Jinsei wa Hoeru" Nv feat. HEAT (2018.07.27) (Original Choreography)
  21. "Machigai Sagashi" Nv feat. feat. Boku wa Mada, (2020.03.28)
  22. "Villain" Nv feat. Boku wa Mada, (2020.07.21) (Original Choreography)
  23. "Beaver" Nv feat. UK (2020.09.25) (Original Choreography)
  24. "Gira Gira" Nv feat. Hayakawa Kazuya, Tomoki Arai, Takato Yamazaki, KAEDE, and Otogi (2021.04.16) (Original Choreography)
  25. "Love ka?" Nv (2021.05.13) (Original Choreography)
  26. "Downer Witch" Nv feat. Otogi, Hayakawa Kazuya, Yanai Kouyou, and Ichijou Toshiki (2021.07.29) (Original Choreography)
  27. "Sangenshoku" Nv feat. Hayakawa Kazuya and Tomotaka Arai (2022.04.02) (Original Choreography)
  28. "Ashura-chan" Nv feat. Hayakawa Kazuya, Tomotaka Arai, Takato Yamazaki, KAEDE, and Otogi (2021.05.15) (Original Choreography)

Sample Video[]

Dance by Karen
Choreography by Karen



External Links[]

