Chaka (Real Akiba Boyz) | |
[[|210px]] | |
Gender | Male/Female |
Odottemita Status | Active/Inactive/Unknown |
Odottemita Years Active | 20XX-20XX/present |
このコンテンツはファンメイドコンテンツです。ファンメイドコンテンツポリシーのもと制作されています(This content is a fan-made content. It is produced under the fan made content policy)[1]
Romajiname (Kanjiname) is a country/location based Nico Nico Douga/YouTube odorite... (write a short general description)
(Orgins of stage name, real name, etc.)
Appearance & Personality[]
(Describe hair, clothes, makeup, measurements (height, weight, etc) personality, blood type, lifestyle, concept, etc.)
Dance Style[]
(Describe dance genre, style, range)
notable activities before their debut
(first upload, beginnings, etc.)
popularity rising, subs/views, most popular upload
Iconic Performances[]
list iconic performances that deserve recognition
Awards & Recognition[]
any special awards or recognition
if an odorite becomes inactive
Insert other relevant headings[]
such as music debut, choreography debut, etc.
Dance Units[]
- (groups, crews, teams, studios, units, etc.)
Iconic Collaborative Projects[]
(Include collaboration dance covers, choreo, shows, events, potentially may list notable dance unit activities.)
Special Notices[]
Video Reposting[]
(may note odorite's video reposting policy)
Image Reposting[]
(may note odorite's image reposting policy)
Other relevant headings[]
any other important notices
List of Dances[]
Sample Video[]
Dance by Chaka (Real Akiba Boyz)
Choreography by Odoritename
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