Boy's School Year 2 Class 5(男子校2年5組) is an all male dance unit. Their first cover was of the song Boku to Watashi to NicoNico Douga with choreography from the group Year 1 Class 25, from which they likely based their own group name off of. They are the rival group of Boys' Dorm 2nd Floor Room 5.
Their last upload was in 2012, a cover of "Hyadain no Kakakada☆Kadaomoi" . In their rival group's video, however, it was mentioned in the description that 'Boys' School Year 2 Class 5 will be repeating this year'[1]. Whether or not this means Boys' School Year 2 Class 5 will continue activities is unknown.
List of Dances[]
Notice: Sorted with oldest uploaded first. If you see something missing that needs to be here, please add it. If you find a deadlink, please edit or give further notice.
- "Boku to Watashi to NicoNico Douga"
- "Atsumori 2011"
- "Final Fun Boy"
feat. Boys' School Year 2 Class 5 and Asupara (2011.08.24)
- "Maji 1000% Love"
- "Hyadain no Kakakada☆Kadaomoi"