Odorite Wiki

TisRis TisRis 15 December 2015

Polls on Articles

I noticed that the vocaloid wiki includes polls on their articles (see Hatsune Miku's page for an example). I was wondering if this is something you guys are interested in as well? For units we could poll favorite member. For solo we could poll favorite characteristic? It could be a fun interactive thing to add to the wiki and potentially increase wiki traffic. The polls on the front page were recieved pretty well.

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TisRis TisRis 14 December 2015

Odorite Special Notices and other article Headings

The musumen image policy has brought to my attention that we should include a Special Notices heading for odorite articles. I provided an example below. Do you know of any other subheadings to Special Notices we could add other than Image/Video Reposting? Also I think we should revise our current headings to this layout because it's neater, more professional, and shows up a lot better in the Table of Contents. I strongly belive we should add Name info in the concept bc some odorites need to mention it. It's a huge part of an odorite's concept and should not be alongside trivia. Also it gets messy keeping all this in the info boxes. This new layout follows the layout of many professional wikis. I have tried out this on the morning musumen. page…

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TisRis TisRis 18 November 2015

YouTube New Channel Link Format

YouTube has another new Channel Link format.

The current ones are:

  • YouTube.com/user/UserName (ytusername)
  • YouTube.com/channel/LongSeries-ofRandomlyAssignedLettersandNumbers (YTCHonly)
  • YouTube.com/c/ChannelName (not a valid input for Infobox_dancer)

The problem with the last format is that the neither the YTCHonly or ytusername input couldn't accept the links for /c/ChannelName. I ended up tweaking the Template:Infobox_dancer a little (see that page's history for details) to allow typing it into the ytusername input. Unfortunately, unlike YTCHonly, you can't type in a display text and you're stuck with any channel names to display whatever you type in (for example c/EmpireDance on the eMpiRe page).

I can make a new input field where we accept a ytc…

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TisRis TisRis 8 November 2015

Top 10 Lists glitch?

I just recently enabled Top 10 Lists and created a test page with the morning musumen members. However whenever I try to delete the page or edit it, it logs me off and says I need to be logged in to complete the action. Anyone know what's up? Does this happen to anyone else?

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TisRis TisRis 7 November 2015

What do you think of the new poll choices on the front page?

I just added 2 polls to the front page of the wiki (under the commumity header), but I'm not sure if the answer choices are relevant enough. What do you guys think of them? Should I change them? And to what?

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TisRis TisRis 17 June 2015

For more on dancer see link

I recently discovered the ability to use  and other templates here

This could potentially solve a few problems.

This doesn't work as well in leading to other wikis unfortunately, which was my original intention.

How should we apply this template?

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Mizomizore Mizomizore 14 June 2015

Inactive rule

Hello (owo)/

This is just an idea but I think we should set a rule where if a dancer or dance group is inactive for a year and has not made an official disbandment announcement that they will be considered inactive as a group.

I've been starting to notice some pages that the dancer(s) haven't uploaded or have done any activity under that name in over a year so I think that its safe to say if its been a year and they have not done any new works they will be considered Inactive as a dancer/dancegroup.

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Mizomizore Mizomizore 22 January 2015

Odorite's who do not allow reposting

Hello (owo)/

I guess this also corresponds with my previous post about Utaite's who do not want their songs reposted but I have started to notice that some Odorite's are starting to post in their video descriptions and such that they do not want their videos reposted as well ( Like ARSMAGNA ) . Should we start making a list of the Odorite's who don't want their stuff reposted?

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