Odorite Wiki

TismeRis TismeRis 30 October 2015

YouTube Odorites

Hello to anyone who reads these! b(^ . ^)d

I'm not sure if anyone on here actually cares about YouTube odorites... Well if it sparks your interest, Heavenly Light (the main leader of CosStarDance, Sector51, Dance Masters United, and more) and Ari。Ki have choreography videos on NND that make it to the top 100 rankings. And Ari。Ki (who has over 2,000 subscribers on YouTube) wasinvited to Japan's Cho Party 3 to share the stage  with other odorites such as Miume , morning musumen.  , and namely Tei☆in!  (whom they performed with). They also speak Japanese and tweet odorites.

I have been meaning to create a lot more YouTube Odorite wiki pages, but I've been swamped with school and dance group activities! I hope to make one for many more, but next…

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TismeRis TismeRis 1 November 2014

First Blog Post


I hope everyone is doing well! I figured I should try out making a simple blog post. v(^ . ~)☆

So I've been going through some articles and adding galleries to the ones I can. Are they helpful? I surely hope so. I personally love the galleries on the pages.

I find it amusing how Melochin is super popular yet does not have a trivia section. Hopefully soon! I can't read/speak/write Japanese, so it'd be a lot easier to read than his twitter (^^;)

Thank you for reading my first blog post!

Much Love,

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Bluemask Bluemask 1 June 2014

Re-watching all of my fav dances

I just realized, watching a dance is entertaining but what if you understood the song and how the choreography came about?

I just re-watched every dance I liked and combined it with subs. It was a delight and everything comes to an understanding I have never realized before. So far I think it's good. Watching them with English dubs is a good alternative too, to be honest (English dubs sometimes omit words, changing the thought entirely. Not always though).

I wish I had better things to do >_>.

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Bluemask Bluemask 22 May 2014

I'm starting to get tired of Odorite...

Just kidding! LOL.

Honestly, though... I'm taling about the new videos. The same videos just stay the same for months in the Odottemita Ranking. We need more original dances! BOOO!!!

Oh.. and I'm the only one who think Melochin is overrated?? Pffftt. *Waits for headshot*

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ManaLily ManaLily 17 December 2012

kill me now...

Ugh. It's been forever since I did anything productive with this wiki. School, extracurricualr business, now there's exams, too. I was previously working on making a page for Keitan, but all that's gone down the drain since my computer restarted itself. The holidays are approaching, so thjat should free up enough time to get some things done, hopefully.

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