Odorite Wiki

このコンテンツはファンメイドコンテンツです。ファンメイドコンテンツポリシーのもと制作されています(This content is a fan-made content. It is produced under the fan made content policy)[3]

Aoto is a Japanese Performer specializing in Tricking, winner of the U-20 Audition, and also a member of REAL AKIBA JUNIORZ.


Height: 158.7cm
Blood type: A
Image Color: Light Blue
Fan Name: アオヶ咲/ Aogasaki (Aoto + Nijigasaki)

-Good Memory with Directions (Only have to take the Route Once to Remember)
-Good at giving a like on a post from Voice actor/actresses as soon as possible (He gives a like within seconds after it is posted on Instagram/ and told RYU it is already late after a minute (inside joke))

+ A Fan of Love Live! The First Love Live! Series he watched was Love Live! Sunshine!! and that was when he got hooked to watching Anime.
+ His Favorite Love Live! Series is Love Live! Nijigasaki High School Idol Club
-Voice Actresses
+His Favorite Voice Actress is Moeka Koizumi
-Listening to Character Songs
-Listening to Songs Sung by Voice Actresses
+One of the Group he loves is harmoe (duo by Moeka Koizumi and Haruki Iwata)

-Traveling (visiting real-life anime locations and performing tricking there to spread the Anime Culture and Tricking Culture to the World)
-Break Dancing

Touching Bugs



Born in Aichi Prefecture and grown up in Chiba Prefecture (Japan)[4]

Started Acrobatics when he was in 1st grade, and started Tricking when he was in Middle School[4]

When he was in the 3rd year of Middle School (9th grade/2019) he became the Champion of Tricking in Japan, and for the Team Battle he was in the TOP 8 for the World Championship for Tricking[4]

Debut (2023~)[]


July 3rd:
METEORA st. announced that they recruited REAL AKIBA JUNIORZ to their agency.[7]

July 5th:
Profile Pic was Updated (Every member of JUNIORZ was updated)[8] [Profile Pic]

July 8th:
Performed an Opening Act for LIVE ROOTS 2 [Video][9][10][11]

July 31st:
Image Color and Emoji was revealed [12]

August 3rd:
Their First Odottemita Video was Revealed on REAL AKIBA BOYZ's Channel Performing with the Song "I am Invincible/ by Ado" [13][14][15]

August 5th:
Participated in アキバ大好き!祭り2023(I Love Akihabara! Festival 2023)[16][17][18][19][20]

August 19th:
Performed a One Man Live Debut Event "Be Invincible" at Yokohama Mint Hall (REAL AKIBA JUNIORZ) [21][22][23][24]

September 1st
-Participated as a Guest Host in the Virtual x Real MUSIC LIVE "MIRAI Stage ~外伝~/Gaiden" in "harevutai" [25][26]

September 30th
Participated in a video that was Uploaded on REAL AKIBA BOYZ Channel of Performing in GiGO総本店/Souhonten (Head Store) an Arcade Game Store in Japan [27][28]

October 14th
Participated in the Meteora Music Festival to celebrate the 2nd Anniversary for the Establish of the Company Meteora Street [29][30][31][32][33]

October 15th
Performed in REAL AKIBA BOYZ's LIVE EVENT "STRIKE COLORZ" to Celebrate their 16th Anniversary [34][35][36]

October 21st
Conducted a Live Event "JUST FOR FUN" at YOKOHAMA mint hall [37] [38][39][40]

October 28th
Participated as a Dancer in a TV show ”沼にハマって聞いてみた/I got addicted to the swamp and asked (google translate)" from NHK [41][42][43][44][45]

December 2nd
Performed an Open to Public Live Stream for the "イチナナライバーEXPO2023/17LiverEXPO2023" at Bellesalle Akihabara [46][47][48][49]

December 17th
Participating in the Meteora ANTHEM Festival [50][51][52][53][54][55][56][57][58]


January 13th
Performed a Live Event "JUST FOR FUN Vol.2" at Yokohama Mint Hall[59][60][61][62][63][64]

January 15th
His first Solo Odottemita Video was uploaded to celebrate his 19th Birthday on REAL AKIBA JUNIORZ Channel [Video] [65] [66] [67]

Dancing Unit/Teams[]

Awards & Recognitions[]

  • TRICKING BATTLE OF JAPAN 2019: Under-14 Champion[68][69]
  • HERO CUP vol. 1 (Tricking) 2024: Champion [70][71]

Fun Facts[]

  • He was following RYU and only checked Twitter for once a month (usually uses Instagram), and when he checked his twitter account it was just when RYU reposted the information regarding the U-20 Audition, and it was 2 days before the deadline. So he mentioned that RYU was the reason why he was able to become a member of REAL AKIBA JUNIORZ. RYU stated that he knew Aoto on Instagram, even before the Audition started and he was surprised when he heard that he applied.[72]
  • When the RAB members asked what activities they would like to do together as REAL AKIBA JUNIORZ? The other members answered with big ambitions such as "performing overseas", "performing on a big stage", and etc. but Aoto answered that he "wants to do a Practice Session together(練習会) "[5]
  • Not good at ball games and unable to swim. Mentioned that the beach is a place to perform acrobatics moves on the sand shore (because he can't swim)[73]
  • When he was choosing a song for his Odottemita video on his birthday he hesitated to choose between "アカシア/Acacia by BUMP OF CHICKEN" or "私のSymphony/Watashi no Symphony by Liella!". So he chose to post his Odottemita for Acadia on the Channel for RAJ and Posted the 私のSymphony/Watashi no Symphony on his personal Youtube Channel [Video][74]
  • He listened to Acacia before going to the finale for the U-20 Audition and he listened to 私のSymphony/Watashi no Symphony after he received his acceptance of becoming a new member of REAL AKIBA JUNIORZ.[74]

Odottemita Videos (YouTube)[]

Notice: Sorted with oldest uploaded first. If you see something missing that needs to be here, please add it. If you find a deadlink, please edit or give further notice.
  1. I am invincible (2023.08.03)
  2. D.I.Y (2023.08.19)
  3. Sanbunteki LIFE (2023.09.03)
  4. Show (2023.10.08)
  5. Akiba Maid War (2023.10.17)
  6. Acacia (2024.01.15)
  7. Seishun Satsubatsuron (2024.02.11)
  8. Be a Flower (2024.04.13)
  9. Future Island (2024.04.27)
  10. Seishun Ouka (2024.05.06)
  11. Baka Majime (2024.05.16)
  12. BIBBIDIBA (2024.05.19)
  13. Noushou Sakuretsu Girl (2024.06.02)
  14. VERSE (2024.06.03)
  15. Gift (2024.07.14)
  16. StaRt (2024.07.27)
  17. Gift (Freestyle) (2024.07.31)
  18. Fatal (2024.09.03)
  19. twin's heart beat (2024.09.16)
  20. Femme Fatale feat. RAJ GLANZ (2024.10.11)
  21. Ao to Natsu (2024.11.24)
  22. Aporia (2024.11.28)
  23. POP IN 2 (2024.12.11)
  24. Curtain Call (2024.12.31)


  1. https://www.meteora-st.jp/realakibajuniors
  2. https://www.youtube.com/@REALAKIBAJUNIORZ
  3. http://abstreem.co.jp/RAB/archives/888
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 https://www.rajuhttps://www.rajuniorz.com/profileniorz.com/profile
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmMcsU4Xuoo
  6. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qWYv07uHSEU&t=1s
  7. https://twitter.com/meteora_st/status/1675806701747056642
  8. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1676506352594870272
  9. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1677661342881431553
  10. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1677659868818448385
  11. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1677660221018374145
  12. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1682690290707218432
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmacMpcrqyw
  14. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1686766815106793472
  15. https://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm42566908
  16. https://twitter.com/akiba_df/status/1677663832699981827
  17. https://twitter.com/akiba_df/status/1677664581060050944
  18. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1687766165563871232
  19. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1687770486930100224
  20. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1687769111630331904
  21. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1692026346543968359
  22. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1684836602248568832
  23. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1692876786391290215
  24. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1692877552581595586
  25. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1697104856610439236
  26. https://twitter.com/17LIVEJP/status/1697085455039451614
  27. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1708065073695269238
  28. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmO-L33g9Ws
  29. https://www.rajuniorz.com/news-1/10%E6%9C%8814%E6%97%A5-meteora-music-festival%E3%81%AB%E5%87%BA%E6%BC%94%EF%BC%81
  30. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1687785527045709824
  31. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1712449891006595415
  32. https://twitter.com/meteora_st/status/1713151223401177123
  33. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1713153803456049620
  34. https://twitter.com/RABinformation/status/1694295942772773247
  35. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1694538145482813927
  36. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1713538119256227899
  37. https://www.rajuniorz.com/news-1/real-akiba-juniorz-fan-event-%E2%80%9Djust-for-fun%E2%80%9D
  38. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1703348651555442691
  39. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1715653132523590126
  40. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1715661491800822019
  41. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1715674789640049113
  42. https://twitter.com/RABinformation/status/1718114988123214175
  43. https://twitter.com/RAB_RYU/status/1718115128510751001
  44. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1718128357106442420
  45. https://twitter.com/RAB_CREW/status/1718159230753239094
  46. https://twitter.com/17LIVEJP/status/1728277332098527544
  47. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1730874499946672158
  48. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1730911213473931454
  49. https://twitter.com/otakatsu17/status/1730899451282391314
  50. https://twitter.com/meteora_st/status/1717831636241559967
  51. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1730498575099216318
  52. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1735191618301698298
  53. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1735191773771866549
  54. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1735992595602612326
  55. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1736307443192479846
  56. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1736308321018343736
  57. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1736309666672738558
  58. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1736374742939214161
  59. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1730887817335812564
  60. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1738523323922075761
  61. https://twitter.com/RAJ_luu3/status/1745407319998107733
  62. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1745954706994946427
  63. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1746031077259698643
  64. https://twitter.com/JUNIORZ_CREW/status/1746181613564899816
  65. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qY09AIbUs-c
  66. https://twitter.com/RAJ_Aoto/status/1746855555942281664
  67. https://twitter.com/RAJ_Aoto/status/1746878542657503454
  68. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qY09AIbUs-c
  69. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UQ80wGgfJg
  70. https://www.instagram.com/p/C2zxpsGvlGC/
  71. https://twitter.com/RAJ_Aoto/status/1753366334405222418
  72. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pVkI7yM9HSk
  73. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FYeXXeH0o0
  74. 74.0 74.1 https://twitter.com/RAJ_Aoto/status/1746862422093332802