Right now Mesemoa's (at that point Musumen's) MVs for their original idol songs are listed on the individual members' pages. Should we keep them on there (and add their newer stuff) or take them off? Imo those videos are more idol-related than odottemita-related and so I think they should be removed (obviously their actual odottemita videos can stay). I've read some of the previous discussions on this forum and it seems to me that this is along the same lines as Q'ulle who was previously determined to not warrant a page due to their activities as Q'ulle being idol-related, not odottemita-related. What do other people think? (if there's anyone else around. Helloooooo)
Also, there's no dance covers listed at all on MeseMoa's actual page. Is this on purpose? I feel like there should be one and people shouldn't have to go search the individual members' pages to find their actual dance information.